The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144051   Message #3329065
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
26-Mar-12 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Use of Forces to Deliver Fuel?
Subject: RE: BS: Use of Forces to Deliver Fuel?
The possibility of action by tanker drivers is in response to the big oil companies "outsourcing" deliveries to cowboy managements who are eroding safety standards for tanker drivers. The drivers are concerned for their safety in the face of cost cutting.
Who does that make "the bad boys"?
I think you will find that it is the managements of the respective companies.

in Pontefract, the Accident and Emergency department at he local hospital has been closing overnight since November because they have a shortage of emergency doctors. A proposal was made that, until they could find new permanent staff doctors, that it would be possible to "borrow" army medical staff to cover the shortfall. Negotiations were going well with the army until Cameron's gang got wind of the possibility. They immediately blocked the idea completely. We are not allowed to pay army doctors to save the lives of members of the public because it is a waste of taxpayers money.

Now - using the army to back up bad bosses - that's what they are there for...
