The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144051   Message #3329077
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
26-Mar-12 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Use of Forces to Deliver Fuel?
Subject: RE: BS: Use of Forces to Deliver Fuel?
We didn't need a new Private Finance Hospital in the first place. The old one was old but okay. Unfortunately Tony Blair's New Thatcherite Party sold the old buildings down the river and put the trust in big debt to pay for it - hence that can't afford doctors.

My point stands that Cameron thinks it is a crime to use army to help the ill, but the second someone has a legitimate industrial grievance that ought to be discussed, his response is (before any ballot has been held) to stand up like Thatcher and crow - "If you hold industrial action I will call in the Army to crush you!".
Sounds like Assad and Gadaffi to me!
