The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3329082
Posted By: Musket
26-Mar-12 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Evolution in the changing of physical matter, such as losing wings and gills may be the main interpretation of the word in this thread, but an idea can evolve over the time taken to down a pint.

Social changes may appear more reversible, but we could evolve back to where we came from given both the time and circumstances. Nothing in biological Darwinism states that evolution is irreversible, so long as the conditions for reverse are apparent and suitable.

It may be an unfortunate use of the word, but as the counter argument is a set of books written over only the last couple of thousand years or so, the social change you refer to could just as easily apply in the minds of those who wrote the bible in the first place. For instance, if the stage was set in a much colder climate than the Middle East, the bits about not eating pork or shellfish would not have been there, as people wouldn't have been dying from meat left in the warm. Ditto circumcism. The colder the extremities, the less fungal.. you get the picture. Scripture and adherence to them were in some cases excellent public health advice. Not needed now as we have "evolved" to use not only more sophisticated measures, but not so broad brushed either.

Carved in stone stories may be a useful metaphor for those who need such a thing, but they are themselves a snapshot of social evolution.