The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143916   Message #3329603
Posted By: Bobert
27-Mar-12 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Killed for being black? Florida today
Subject: RE: BS: Killed for being black? Florida today
Joe Oliver is the PR front-man for Zimmerman and the "stand your ground" crowd... He's been on every news program out there sounding as if he knows exactly what happened...

Was he there???

No, he wasn't but that doesn't stop him from his 24/7 spinning of Zimmerman as the 2nd coming...

Here are the facts that we know:

*Zimmerman was armed

*Zimmerman called the police to report a "fucking coon" (goon according to Oliver) in the neighborhood

*The police told him to leave Martin alone and that they had a squad car on the way

*Zimmerman disobeyed the police and followed Martin

*Zimmerman, at some point, confronted Martin

*Zimmerman shot and killed Martin

These are the facts... Everything else we are hearing, especially from Zimmerman's buddy, Joe Oliver, are part of Zimmerman's PR campaign...   

I'm not out to lynch anyone, bb... I just don't want a murderer to blow smoke up my posterior...
