The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144089   Message #3330006
Posted By: bubblyrat
28-Mar-12 - 04:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Who was Somerville in Warlike Seamen?
Subject: RE: Origins: Who was Somerville in Warlike Seamen?
In the Royal Navy , it is customary to name buildings alphabetically ,after famous Naval Captains and Admirals , for example ; A ,B ,C,D E buildings or blocks would be personalised into
Anson, Blake, Cunningham, Drake , Exmouth , Frobisher, Grenville ,Hawke,Jervis (no "I" !) Keyes, Lister (or Lambe), Mountbatten , and .......well, you can guess who "N" Block is named after ! Which brings us , eventually, to "S" ; Somerville !
               James Fownes Somerville 1882-1949 joined the Royal Navy as a Cadet in 1897 and became a specialist in the early science of radio communications. As a Lieutenant in WW1 , he won the Distinguished Service Order ( DSO) at Gallipoli . After various appointments and promotions,he commanded, as a Rear Admiral, the British Mediterranean Fleet Destroyers in 1936-38,participating in protection duties during Spanish Civil War .He was retired on medical grounds in 1939, but recalled with the outbreak of WW2 .
                  After helping to organise the Dunkirk evacuation,he was given command of the Task Force that destroyed the French fleet at Mers-El-Kebir in 1940.Later involvements included the sinking of Germany's " Bismark " ,and the famous "Malta Convoys" .He then became Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet ,and was involved in operations against the Japanese. During 1944-45, he served in Washington DC. Promoted to Admiral Of The Fleet in 1945, he retired the same year and died in Somerset in 1949 .
             Of course, there was another famous naval Somerville, namely Henry Boyle Townshend Somerville, who joined the Royal Navy in 1877, and was a Vice-Admiral by 1919.However, he appears to have been far less bellicose than James, spending most of his service on Hydrographic Surveying and as a Director of Naval Intelligence ; an early model for James Bond's "M" !! After retiring ,he returned home to Castletownshend , his home in Cork , Ireland, but was murdered by the IRA in 1936 , apparently for encouraging Irishmen to join the Royal Navy.He is unlikely, therefore ,to be the subject of the song, IMHO .