The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74786 Message #3330049
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Wilson (The Wilson Family)
28-Mar-12 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: 2016 Obit: Don Shepherd
Subject: RE: Don Shepherd - is he still around
Hi Don, I too have just stumbled across this website and read the threads with great delight - particularly your own comments. I couldn't, for one minnute, expect you to remember me, but I well remember you and - to this day - am still citing you as a major influence on me getting 'into' folk music.
Memory is fallible but my recollections are that I had sold my last copy of 'Workers Press' outside of Hammersmith tube and went into the P of W for a well earned pint. As a rock/blues efficionado back in 1971, I saw a poster for Long John Bawldry at the F.C. that night and ventured in to 'check it out'. You almost insisted that "with my Geordie(!), accent I must be able to do a song". Through the WRP, I very vaguely new some of the words to 'Blackleg Miner' so I gave it a go. I soon discovered that I didn't really know the words, couldn't hold a key or a tune and was totally embarassed. You, however, were brilliant! You didn't console me but insisted that it was just 'nerves' and if I came back the following week I'd be much better. Well I didn't, but some weeks later (having learn't the words) I did come back and you made me so welcome. I wasn't much better but did keep on trying and 40 years later, along with my brothers, we are still doing clubs & festivals both here and abroad - and even got to sing in the Royal Albert Hall last year!
A lot of this is directly down to you Don, so it's a great pleasure to be able to thank you personally (as it were!)