The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44242 Message #3330119
Posted By: pdq
28-Mar-12 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Wayne Raney songs
Subject: Lyr Add: DON'T YOU WANNA GO?
There's a building program going on in Heaven construction carried out by God's on hand fifteen hundred miles wide mansions standing side by side the streets are paved with gold throughout the land Now they say they'll be no dying in that city no sickness and no sorrow will be known the feeble will be young no division all is one eternal celebrating going on
Don't you wanna go with me to God's new city Don't you wanna hear that heavenly choir sing Don't you wanna touch the nail scarred hands that brought this great salvation plan Can't you feel it stirrin' in your soul Don't you wanna go
You know I have many loved ones waiting over yonder and how I long to see my precious father there All the saints will gather in immortal bodies free from sin as we praise the Lamb of God who's joy we'll share