The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27222   Message #333026
Posted By: mousethief
02-Nov-00 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: Jesus' Penis
Subject: RE: Jesus' Penis
I'll try to convert you if you feel left out, Sinsull. Let's see, if you have Canadian and that's running at 66 cents American to the Canadian dollar -- just how much did you want to convert, by the way?

No wait. I know the real problem. It's some temperature Celsius where you are and you want to know what that is in REAL degrees (Fahrenheit). I can do that conversion too.

Actually the funny thing is, I've never seen Praise try to convert anybody. She is very vocal about her beliefs, but then again it's a free Internet and she has the right to say whatever she feels about her beliefs. But never have I ever seen her say, "you should become a Christian" or anything of the sort.

Some people just need thicker skin, I'm thinking. If any Christian within 100 meters of you expressing anything about their faith seems to you like proselytization, you must be very insecure in your own faith (or lack thereof).

Or maybe some people just hate to see others happy and at ease with their worldview? "I'm feeling existential Angst about metaphysics and so should you?" This seems to me to be the critics were feeling when Bob Dylan converted to Christianity (if that's what he did; he sure crowed like it, anyway).

Or maybe there are just some people who can't live without bitching and moaning and complaining and raining on other people's parades.

Or maybe I just need an ice cream cone. Yes, that seems more likely.
