The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72600   Message #3330605
Posted By: Musket
29-Mar-12 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members?
Subject: RE: BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members?
I suppose if the original poster gets upset by "British" trolling or whatever you call airing a view that is different to others. he / she / it could always keep in the top section where we have healthy debates on the 1954 folk music definition and always see the view of others...

I must admit, I'll always have posts where I can question the relevance of religion, anything about football (real football not the padded helmeted nonsense between advert breaks you get in the USA,) and don't get me started on healthcare...

If you want sanitised discussions, may I suggest joining a church hall debating society? if you want the breadth of opinions, I suggest Mudcat, especially when we don't get people wanting to shut the thread because that bugger over the pond has been saying things that make me upset.... There are some people on here I seriously disagree with, some I would have a beer with later and some I would pour a beer over their head (well lager anyway, beer is too good for them,) but Mudcat bullshit section is to air views. if it were any other way, there'd be no point in having it in the first place. Keep talking like that and Max will have a paddy again and spoil the fun for us all......
