The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144089   Message #3330680
Posted By: Teribus
29-Mar-12 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Who was Somerville in Warlike Seamen?
Subject: RE: Origins: Who was Somerville in Warlike Seamen?
Additional verse on the manuscript in Sausmarez Manor St. Martins Guernsey

And should you once more enquire our gallant Captains name
He was young Phil Sausmarez from Guernseys isle he came
Commanded the brave Nottingham and beat the cowardly Mars
Let every man stand true to his guns and salute those British Tars

The action fought between HMS Nottingham and the French "Mars" occurred on the 11th October 1746. Philip Sausmaurez was killed in action just over one year later whilst serving in the Channel Fleet under Admiral Hawke. As darkness was falling the Nottingham (60 guns) in company with Eagle (58 guns) and Yarmouth (64 guns) attempted to prevent the escape of the French ships Tonnant (80 guns) and Intrepide (74 guns). Nottingham caught up to the French first and immediately engaged, Sausmarez would fight the Tonnant for an hour before the other British ships joined the action in that hour Philip Sausmarez was killed.