The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144118   Message #3330953
Posted By: katlaughing
30-Mar-12 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Killed For Being Black ? # 3
Subject: RE: BS: Killed For Being Black ? # 3
I have stayed out of these threads partly because I knew how they would devolve, but mostly because my grandsons are thirteen, mixed race with their dad's tightly curled black hair and build. My daughter gets teased about her "bodyguards" because they are as tall as she is and large-boned, plus their voices have deepened. I am grateful they live in a mixed ethnicities/races/etc. area, but this kind of thing is very worrisome for a grandma, esp. living so far away. I know they are kept off the streets, etc., but what happens when they get older? Their dad was stopped, years ago whilst driving home from work in his own car. The cops first question to him was "whose car are ya drivin'? Where d'ya get it?" Here it is so many years later and still...I just shake my head and try not to cry.

A church here has a marquee that says "Take back America!" I commented on it to Rog (I told this in some other thread, apologies if you've already heard it.) He got so angry about it and said it's just their way of cloaking their racism, of basically saying "we don't want a n****r in the White House." I think he is right in his assessment and I see it everywhere, though here it is also aimed at Hispanics.

May the justice in this case be swift and fully exposed for all to see. And, yeah, when our President said that could have been his son, I thought, "yeah, could be one of my grandsons." The only way I can cope with that is to focus on the Now and give thanks for a better world, right here, right now. This or something better for the highest good of all concerned.

Thanks for listening and Spaw, thanks for your points. My thoughts exactly.
