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Thread #144058   Message #3331094
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-12 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Increasing frequency of earthquakes
Subject: RE: BS: Increasing frequency of earthquakes
Ah. Thanks!

My first proposition with all this kind of stuff is to admit that I don't know....and I can't be absolutely sure about any given hypothesis. Then I give some consideration to a great many hypotheses that have come down from conventional science, radical views that differ from conventional science, ancient myths and tales (specially those from many different cultures that have common features!), alternative viewpoints of all kinds.

I consider them all.

The conventional mind (which describes about 98% of the public at any given time) doesn't do that. The conventional mind simply accepts the most prevalent conventional viewpoint....thinks it DOES know for sure...and stops investigating right there and then, smug in its certainty that it already HAS the answers.

And that is precisely what I object to in conventional thinking. It figures it already has pretty well all the answers that matter, and looks no further.

You find that in both religion and secular life (including the most ardent atheistic viewpoints).

It is mental rigidity and refusal to fairly consider alternative viewpoints that I object to. They assume a certainty which they should not assume...because, like me, they really don't know for sure.

I admit I don't know. I just wonder. And I continue looking. The conventional mind assumes it does know about most stuff, and scoffs at any opinion other than its own. And there is the difference.

I'm very curious about Earth change theories of all sorts, and would like to continue investigating them. I have no way of being absolutely sure which of them (if any) is correct...or to what degree. But I like to stay open to the possibilities. Uncertainty does not frighten me, so I don't need to cling to established orthodoxies to feel "safe", and I think that's exactly what the average conventional mind is really doing (though it would never admit to it). It's staying "safe" in its little mental box of supposed certainty...a box which was foisted upon it by parents, schools, teachers, priests, science authorities, political authorities, medical authorities, its peer group...all those busy voices around you that whisper in your ear constantly from the time you're old enough to walk and tell you, "This is the way it is, and that's all there is to it."

They are so often wrong! And if you're truly a free thinker, you find that out for yourself in due course of time.