The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144058   Message #3331170
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-12 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Increasing frequency of earthquakes
Subject: RE: BS: Increasing frequency of earthquakes
Not necessarily. Stop and think about the various possibilities instead of giving it the old instant reaction, Ebbie.

It depends on how fast the planet stops rotating.

Example: If you are in a Porsche that is traveling 100 miles per hour, and it stops when it hits a brick wall that is 10 feet thick....the car is pulverized and so are you. You die.

If, however the car is stopped in merely a few seconds by the driver vigorously applying the brakes and doing a controlled skid to make a safe stop....then both you and the car manage fine and are not injured, though it will lose a bit of rubber off its tires.

The difference? Deceleration. Deceleration takes a period of time...not very long in most cases...but a definite measureable period of time is required for deceleration to prevent destruction.

A vehicle traveling 1,000 miles per hour (as some of our aircraft can easily do) can also be decelerated (as it moves from flight to landing) in a reasonably short period of time from 1,000 mph to zero mph without it or its occupants suffering any injury.

So....why the heck are you assuming that a planet that stops its rotation must do so instantly? If it took a few minutes to stop its rotation, that would be a gradual enough deceleration to prevent physical catastrophes on land, I should think, but it would probably result in some powerful tsunamis, and those would cause destruction on land.

If it took an hour or two to decelerate its rotation to zero, then I doubt anyone would even notice it was happening until they noticed that the sun was not moving across the sky in its usual gradual fashion...or that the dawn was not coming as soon as it usually does.

It's all a question of rate of the rate of deceleration.

I can't figure how the heck you would imagine that I am proposing a theory which suggests that a whole planet can stop its rotation instantly. ;-D If it did, I expect that it would tear the entire planet apart, explode it, and utterly destroy it....just like what would happen if you stopped a jet plane instantly in its 1,000 mph flight path.