The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22360   Message #3331200
Posted By: Rex
30-Mar-12 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Colorado Forest Fire
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
I was thinking this might already be posted but here you go. The Lower North Fork Fire is 45% contained. It shows you what 500 fire-fighters on the ground, tens of slurry bombers and tens more of helecopters can do with 4500 burning acres. The helecopters stationed on Norm Meyer's ranch are gone now. The losses are hard, two are confirmed dead. I had seen Sam and Linda Lucas around town. I know a woman still has not been found. About twenty-five houses are burned or destroyed. But I am grateful no fire-fighters have been killed or injured. 2002 was bad year for fires. Aside from the Hayman fire, WWII slurry bombers were circling over us in the Black Mountain fire. I was jumping up and down in my driveway and waving my hat cheering them on. One them went down in a fire later that Summer killing all on board. I put the tune "Fire on the Mountain" on my latest CD in remembrance of those lost and appreciation for all fire-fighters. Where would we be without you?
