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Thread #144058   Message #3331407
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-12 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Increasing frequency of earthquakes
Subject: RE: BS: Increasing frequency of earthquakes
I think there would be some repercussions, yes. But they would depend on how slowly the deceleration process took place...and how long it lasted at the point of stasis. If it lasted too long, then the sunny side of the planet would get damn hot, and the dark side would get very cold, and that would probably be fatal to most lifeforms. Further to that, the period of commencing rotation again would also be to how long it took and how fast it happened.'s simply a theory, Ebbie, based on a number of ancient legends about some very unusual event.

People have thought that a lot of things were "preposterous", simply because they hadn't happened yet. That's the way people think about stuff that strikes them as highly unusual...such as...

atomic bombs
continental drift
Freudian psychology
giving women the vote!
letting women wear trousers!
open heart surgery
telephone, radio, and telegraph
travel to the moon and back

All of the above would have been considered preposterous by plenty of perfectly sensible and normal people in rather recent historical eras...simply because they'd never heard of anything like that before.

"That's ridiculous! Preposterous! Are you mad to suggest that women should wear trousers and vote equally alongside men? And you think that men will someday go to the moon? Are you taking leave of your senses? Have you lost your mind???" ;-)

That's the usual way people react to anything they've never even considered before. They think it's preposterous. So...welcome to the ranks of the conventional mind, Ebbie, cos you have a lot of company.

I'm not saying it DID happen. I'm saying it might have happened. We have no way of being sure about that one way or the other.