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Thread #142452   Message #3331524
Posted By: DMcG
31-Mar-12 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
doing the experiment...

Of course, you also have to be sure the experiment is showing what you think it does. As Don said, the pressure per square metre for a skater is very large, but for a kilogram wieght with a base of, say 10cm diameter, the additional pressure is quite small. That's why a person can lie on a bed of nails quite comfortably - the weight is spread of a substantially larger are than it would be for a single nail.

But back to the kilogram weight. I think more trials are called for. I bet the weight came from a set of weights and measures, so was metal: that introduces possibilities of the weight acting rather like a radiator, for example, because it is a good conductor with a large surface area. So I would want to try other objects - a bag of sugar sealed in plastic, for example, preferably with the same sized base as the weight.

Again, that's the scientific approach. What was the prediction? What happened? What alternative explanations for the observations could there be? How can we test which of the alternative explanations might be right and which are definitely wrong? You need to be looking at all of those, and several other things, all the time. That's method, not belief, and it applies to everything in science. Hence, for example, it was possible for the Einsteinian model of the universe to supercede the Newtonian. Of course, scientists are only human too, so no-one says it is automatic, as lots of people have careers, research grants and what-not to complicate things ...