The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144137   Message #3332477
Posted By: Stu
02-Apr-12 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Galloway returns.
Subject: RE: BS: Galloway returns.
"How on earth anyone could come out with that line after having seen what 13 years of Liebour (Blair & Brown) did to the country absolutely amazes me."

Because, like the neo-tory wonks that hijacked the Labour party after the death of John Smith the current government is not interested in us.

You can defend them, vote for them, argue their point of view but the simple truth is that Dave and Gideon, like Blair et al before them do not give a shit about you. They really don't care. You loose your job? They don't care. Can't afford to run the car? They don't care.

The people who 'rule' us as a nation are not like us (nor are the Milibands for that matter), and they are happy to see us marginalised. It's an illusion for any of us to believe we're living on equal terms with these people; even when I was a Young Conservative in a posh village in the north of England it soon became apparent that there was a real divide between many of the upper echelons of the party and the rat of us. Think otherwise and you're simply deluded (like those on this forum who aspire to a social strata they can never belong to - I mean, the indignity of such public displays of low self-esteem, blimey).

I'm done with party politics. We need people who understand what life is like out in the small towns and villages, the despair and grinding poverty of the inner cities. George is at least a breath of fresh air, and the fact he rags up so many self-righteous right-wingers whilst giving Labour a kicking can't be a bad thing.