The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27153   Message #333277
Posted By: CamiSu
02-Nov-00 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: Not Music-Sheepskins
Subject: RE: Not Music-Sheepskins

I have a flock of cross breeds, Clun ForestxKarakulx Romney. I am adding Churro in this year. I get two 'types' right now, VERY black long curly wool which goes to a silver overcoat, and more brown, thick, no long overcoat. And in the spring a bunch of black lambs! If you come up to Vermont you're welcome to come for a stay. My tanner is Moosehead in Greenville, Maine. The couple that had it for several years found a good guy to sell it to, and I've been really happy with the work. The guy in PA trashed a bunch of pelts I sent him and then had the gall to tell me they all lost their wool because the sheep 'were slaughtered while they were shedding!'

Amergin, I don't know what you're talking about. I do at LEAST half the chores with the sheep and all the lambing...

Cami Su