The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26990   Message #333422
Posted By: Catrin
03-Nov-00 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: Female folkies are beautiful!
Subject: RE: Female folkies are beautiful!
Wyowomn - I have just read through your thread. That's my story too - or most of it. Lack of self belief turned me into a shy introverted mouse who 'believed' that everybody and anybody was judging me negatively. Then one day I 'woke up' and realised that the only person judging me, the only one who mattered, was myself. I started to be kinder to myself and it has transformed my life.

I really believe that lack of self believe prevented me from thinking, or experiencing, or believing other people who gave me compliments.

I'm forty this month and glad to be. I am happier than I have ever been before. It seems to me that life gets easier. If other people do want to judge me negatively, that's their problem, not mine.

All the hurt stopped when I sang too. Now I sing for Joy.

I'm not so unrealistic as to believe that my life will be painfree from now on. It's just that I have a different, healthier, way of dealing with painful stuff.

