The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144262   Message #3334819
Posted By: Matt_R
07-Apr-12 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: So I finally bought a banjo
Subject: So I finally bought a banjo
After all these years! It's nothing fantastic, really -- a second-hand Savannah for $85 at an antique store. Not sure when it was made -- maybe 1970s or '80s. It needs a new head and a geared 5th string tuning peg, but other than that, it sounds good to my ears. Since the 5th string peg is gone, I have it tuned in the Irish tenor style, which is pretty easy with my knowledge of violin and mandolin. One thing that is kinda hard to get my head around is how far apart the frets are -- lots of finger stretching. Plus my little loves listening to it. She points at it and says "'tar! 'tar!" ... her word for all stringed instruments.