The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144275   Message #3335514
Posted By: Bobert
08-Apr-12 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obit: Thomas Kinkade - mass market 'artist'
Subject: RE: BS: Obit: Thomas Kindade - mass market 'artist'
Sorry, but the paintings I have left are in my or my family member's homes and we know who will be custodians of them after we're gone...

Drawings, prints & pen 'n inks??? Different story... Of that body of work half are safe... The other half??? I donno... I have been hunting one in particular for years... I have a photo of it but someone in the family has it stashed or has lost it... I hope it turns up...

BTW, my first art teacher was a neighbor by the name of Will Anderson... I have 2 of his grease pencil drawing he did in Africa... Great artist... He was in Europe right after WWII and art was cheap... He had an original Bosch painting and two original woodcuts by Albrecht Durer in his home...

I'll see if I can find somethin' for you, Rap... I have been known to just rip a page out of one of my old sketch books... They all have something of interest...

Sorry... No Monet's... Well, no original Monet's.. I do have a very large "Water Lillies" framed print...
