The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144248   Message #3335640
Posted By: Commander Crabbe
09-Apr-12 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: Does the EFDSS need a new name/logo
Subject: RE: Does the EFDSS need a new name/logo

It would be interesting to discover why Suffolk Folk decided to become independent of the Society and not to continue as EFDSS Suffolk Branch?

As selby says any branch works under the umberella of the parent organisation. Its members work towards the stated vision and objectives of the parent organisation.

This happens all over the country in other organisations like the RNLI, Royal British Legion, The Womens Institute, The Scouts, WRVS etc etc. Try to tell them that they can't just open branches!

Where most organisations or teams start to fall apart is when the members start to disagree with the vision, any stated objectives and the leadership. If they are not allowed to have a say or play an active part in these things then they break away and set up the way they feel it should be.

This is why every organisation should examine itself closely on a regular basis to see that they have a clear vision in place, the objectives are relevant and take account of the future and the customer and also that they have sound leadership and management.

When was this last done for the EFDSS? Or do they think that it is not a requirement? If the answer to this is never and not required then the organisation is, in my opinion, doomed to failure.

Here we go:

It is multi-faceted, being:

•a membership society with 4000 members;
•an advocate and lobbyist;
•an arts venue (Cecil Sharp House in North London) hosting concerts, lectures, multi-media events and an array of social dances;
•an education, training and development agency providing classes and workshops for people of all ages and all abilities, and working in schools, colleges, community groups and supporting professional artists;
•a publisher and on-line shop, publishing and selling a range of books and CDs on folk dance and music;
•the custodian of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, an internationally renowned library and archive of the folk arts.

Through its work, the EFDSS aims to place the indigenous folk arts of England at the heart of our cultural life. Use our website to find out more and about how you can get involved.

The vision aims and objectives stated above speak volumes

1. It is Multi faceted (No it isn't it only appears to have two C#House and the internet)
2. We only have 4000 members!
3. What do they advocate and where/who do they lobby?
4. An arts venue (mainly for londoners)
5. Providing education classes and workshops (mainly for londoners)
6. The publishing is available in london and online. What about those who don't do online (they still exist) and won't go anywhwere near london.
7. The memorial library is available in london and online. ditto above.
8. Through its work, the EFDSS aims to place the indigenous folk arts of England at the heart of our cultural life. (but only in London maybe)
9. Use our website to find out more and about how you can get involved. (We can't afford or be arsed to bring it to you, so if you manage to find our website read all about us and maybe get involved)

Just a little bit Laissez-faire and long overdue for an overhaul possibly?