The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144248   Message #3336016
Posted By: johnadams
09-Apr-12 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: Does the EFDSS need a new name/logo
Subject: RE: Does the EFDSS need a new name/logo

John and Katie Howson were awarded their Gold Badges for their enormous contribution to folk music - as collectors, innovators, organisers and music publishers. Connection to or influence by the Society is never a limiting factor. On occasion, Gold Badge awards have been offered to people who have never even heard of the EFDSS.

I don't much understand this debate. The EFDSS has improved its ability to meet its stated aims and has gained some credibility in the arts world - enough to be granted half a million quid to get on with a good part of the job. The anonymous Commander Crabbe's mealy mouthed jibes about begging bowls are irrelevant as are his ill considered interpretations of the aims and objectives. I spent ten years on the National Council along with people like Paul Davenport (who posted earlier) trying to improve the Society's working practices and financial position and when we handed the baton over, our successors made a bloody good job of making things even better. Hurrah!

For sure there are issues still to be addressed, regionality and London-centricity being a big one, but the Society is building up from the very low base it found itself on a couple of decades ago. It's not easy and the solutions are not to be found in the magic wands that some posters seem to think exist. It's hard work and consists of step after difficult step.

As to Selby's original question about changing the name, I suggested to council a decade ago that 'Folk England' would be a good brand to adopt - one which would be inclusive of adopted cultures where 'English' is not. Steve Heap beat us to it with Folk Arts England. Although the Society eventually inherited FAE's Arts Council funding it hasn't inherited the name. So EFDSS it is and it's probably better to stick with it for a while, especially as it has a growing credibility with the funders.