The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144309   Message #3336716
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Apr-12 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sleep (not)
Subject: RE: BS: Sleep (not)
I like to look at not-sleeping episodes from the viewpoint of "maybe this is a good ting trying to happen," and see if maybe my body or mind or spirit are trying to get my attention on something to do "on purpose" for my own good. I find that whenever a sleep issue will not resolve by pragmatics efforts, it's usually that need to re-focus that does the trick.

I'm in one of those now-- for much of the last year, 3AM wakies and 8AM sleepies. It stopped for awhile but now it's back. So I will be trying to greet myself at 3AM with, "Well hello dear one, what do you need me to see?"

Cuz I reckon that if I needed sleep more than whatever is calling me to wakefulness-- I'd be asleep.
