The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144405   Message #3338761
Posted By: GUEST,Guest - Lin
15-Apr-12 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: Woodie Guthrie Square Created
Subject: Woodie Guthrie Square Created
For those in Los Angeles I just read the following information in today's Los Angeles Times - April 15, 2012.
"The corner of 4th & Main Streets in downtown Los Angeles has been designated Woody Guthrie Square to commemorate the political activist's roots in this part of the city."

Note: This area for many years was considered "Skid Row" where homeless people, alcoholics and heavy drug users hung out. This street in recent years has been cleaned up a lot with nice cafes and shops although still not far from the skid row areas where you wouldn't want to being walking around in after dark. Still a lot of crime in the area and robberies, etc.