The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144391   Message #3339416
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
17-Apr-12 - 03:59 AM
Thread Name: 5 Things Killing the Music Industry
Subject: RE: 5 Things Killing the Music Industry
Other post had a typo in it that changed the meaning of the sentence(sorta). This is the good one. OK, 'Mod-Elves', do your stuff...

I agree with Will Fly. With the internet, you don't have to worry about the 'industry'...spend your energies on your instrument, including your voice. the human voice is the ONLY instrument on the planet that pronounces words!......for God's sakes, PRONOUNCE THE WORDS, and don't hide behind style!!
Along with that, and Mudcat has been GREAT for this, THINK DEEPER!
If your do 'folk' try to reach the mass common denominator of folks...not some faction you think your politics would fit into...or vice verse.
if you have the gift of music, do EVERYTHING to learn as much as you can about it. I've said this on here before, Musicians are as a different breed of people...DO NOT waste your 'difference' trying to be the same!! If you want to be 'different', be excellent!!(I raised my kids teaching them that...and it works! 'Build it, and they will come!'
Music, when done right, DRAWS PEOPLE TOGETHER...the 'industry' force feeds 'trends' to sell!!........but once in a while, something excellent stands out.....the more it gets out, the more demand...and there are plenty of marketing options online...WITHOUT the 'industry'!!!! Perhaps the 'industry' should LISTEN to the heart and soul of where the music COMES FROM, instead of how to distribute mental junk food...and employing cheapness to create appeal to lower mentality noise junkies!   

OK...I'm off the soap-box.....but it's true!