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Thread #144439   Message #3340187
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Apr-12 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
I wouldn't be so worried about what Ted Nugent himself might do...but more about the fact that he is pretty clearly inciting other people to commit acts of violence and insurrection (in this case toward the Obama administration).

The USA is more and more taking on the character of a society that is drifting toward (a second) civil war. People like Ted Nugent remind me quite a bit of people like John Brown back in the early 1860s. They anticipate an armed conflict, and they seem eager for one. They are fueled, like John Brown, by a messianic sense of their own moral righteousness and the supposed absolute evil of those they oppose politically. This is, to some extent, true on both sides of the American political divide, but its more wacky ranters are generally found on the Right (if they are White)...although there also are a few Black people on the Left who appear to fit the equation. In either case, they are implying the use of armed violence as a solution.

In either case, they are absolutely certain that they are fighting against forces of absolute evil, and that the time will come for violent acts of patriotic "self-defence" against those forces. This is equally delusional thinking, regardless of which camp it's coming from, the Left or the Right.

That doesn't mean it can't happen, though. If it does begin to happen, the USA government will undoubtedly declare martial law, deploy troops and other security forces across the nation, and arrest a whole lot of people. And after that? Hard to say just how far it might go...

Ted Nugent is one of the people who are trying hard to open Pandora's box. Let's hope they don't succeed.

Remember: To those people, Barack Obama is the moral and political equivalent of Adolf Hitler or Satan. They really believe that about Obama. They hate him at least as much as most "liberals" here hate George Bush or Rush Limbaugh. They think he's the enemy of all that is American. Because they think that way, it would be a patriotic action in their eyes to engage in some violent acts against Obama or his administration. And they are serious about it.

Ted Nugent obviously thinks that way, and so do a lot of the guys in the crowd who are nodding their heads grimly as they listen to him. It isn't just a question of keeping an eye on Ted Nugent, but on anyone who might be willing and ready to follow the suggestions he is very clearly handing out to them. He isn't just talking about voting for Romney. He is implying an armed insurrection if Romney doesn't win.

It doesn't take much to start a war. One little spark can start it, just like a fire. But it's very difficult to stop a war once it is underway.