The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144439   Message #3340209
Posted By: GUEST,josepp
18-Apr-12 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
Nugent would have stood to the side and cheered the brownshirts on but wouldn't have had the guts to join them. Don't give him more credit than he deserves.

Funny, I'm not anywhere near as patriotic as Nugey and I don't own a gun but I did 6 years in the military (including a stint in the Persian Gulf) and nobody drafted me. If I can do it, why can't he?

The idea of a numbnut like him condemning me for criticizing America when he never had the cajones to serve his country is amusing. I earned my right to say whatever the fuck I want. If he doesn't like it, he's free to leave the country that I, but not he, served.

Thank god, he's out of the Detriot area and hopefully will never pollute this region again with his presence. As Bobert said, the guy has been a colossal asswipe since his Amboy Duke days. And he has not grown old gracefully. Russ Gibb, one of the true heroes of the Detroit music scene, totally hates him for attacking the Grande Ballroom as a den for drug addicts. He's such a pussy, Patti Smith kicked his ass live on the radio once. He was being interviewed when Smith showed up. Nugent said, "We knew you were coming, Patti, we could smell you all the way down Eight Mile." Smith yelled, "Fuck you, Nugent!" and you hear the sounds of an ass-kicking going on. The DJ (whom I think was Jerry Lubin) cuts to some commercials. When they came back on the air, Lubin said, "Boy, she was sure mad, wasn't she?" To which Nugent replied in a strangely subdued and quiet voice, "It's a good thing she's a chick or I would have thrown her through the plate glass door." Grrrrrr! IOW she kicked his ass.

Lastly, we need not peruse his songs for evidence of his womanizing, chauvinistic character--just look at his life. He has cheated on every woman he ever got involved with. His own daughter hates him. Remember that hot Hawaiian girl he shacked up with? She was underage, so Nugey officially adopted her so he could fuck her underage brains out without going to prison (where he'd instantly be made someone's bitch). Then, tiring of her, he cheated on her openly causing her to leave him and his daughter to turn against him.

You can tell that even the Romney people are embarrassed to have this dickhead on their side--but he's their's.