The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144439   Message #3340238
Posted By: GUEST,I'd Rather Not Say
19-Apr-12 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
Subject: RE: BS: Ted Nugent's NRA/Obama rant
I knew him years ago because we occasionally played the same venues as the Amboy Dukes. I can tell you a couple things--

You probably know this, but the "Motor City Madman" routine is a comedy act--based on pro wrestlers like "Classy Fred Blassie" and "Randy "Macho Man" Savage. He knows what people expect from him and he always puts on a good show, whether it's for the NRA, or on The Simpsons, or at Cobo Arena.   Also true, MCM is kind of a caricature of himself.

Next, he wasn't an acid head, ever. "Journey to the Center of the Mind" was a concept that came from the record company, he didn't want to do that kind of music.

He's a republican because he's a businessman. He doesn't really like politicians, and he doesn't think much of anyone who takes what he says seriously.