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Thread #27261   Message #334047
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
03-Nov-00 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI
Subject: RE: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI

I am glad that you overcame your problem. And of course, you are right, it is possible--

It really isn't a question of that--I am just disgusted with the fact that on one hand, we are told that he has overcome his problems, and then we are told that it is none of our business--except that when it is a democrat, the republicans insist that everything must be dug up, no matter how insignificant, no matter how long ago, because everything was questionable--

"Dubious" was the driving force hehind the mud slinging, dirty campaign that his father ran (George Sr apparently was uncomfortable with it, but allowed it to go on because it worked), and the anti-Clinton mudslinging continued, and continues to this day, but it isn't fair to speak unfavorably of either or any of the Bushes--

"Dubious" has a particularly vicious behind the scenes manner with journalists who have been critical, which is to say, journalists who have raised questions that he does not like--he makes abusive, late night phone calls, not only to the journalist, but also to the editor, managing editor, publisher, CEO, relevant stockholders, and owners(many of whom are part of the Bushes Ivy League/Wall Street network)

The stories of "Dubious"'s trangressions, both youthful and more recent, have been documented, and even covered in Texas, it is just that the national press corps are all afraid to be the first to bring something out--

A small example of the lengths to which the media go to "Be fair to Bush", when the polls would show Bush had 44% to Gore's 43%, it would be noted that Bush was ahead--when Bush had 42% to Gore's 47%, it was said that it was "virtually a dead heat, because it is within the poll's margin of error".