The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3340921
Posted By: gnu
20-Apr-12 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
Moncton, New Brunswick Times&Transcript today, article by James Foster

... "The booming number of coyote hunters in this province were astounded to learn of the giant canine shot on the Acadian Peninsula earlier this month, as well as the almost identical beast nailed by a hunter in Newfoundland days earlier, both of the animals looking suspiciously like wolves.

If I hadn't seen the photos with my own eyes and heard assurances that the carcasses had been witnessed by wildlife officials, I wouldn't have believed it.

Jacques Mallet shot the wolf-like animal weighing nearly 90 pounds near St-Simon in early April. I do believe this fellow didn't know what he was seeing, as it was only the second wild canine he has shot since taking up coyote hunting just two years ago.

The last wolf reported killed in N.B. was in 1876, thanks to a bounty instituted in 1858.

DNA tests being done right now will tell the tale, but it would truly be astounding if this animal turns out to be a wolf. That's entirely possible, with wolves occasionally seen in Quebec and in Maine. While St.-Simon is a good hike from either of those two jurisdictions, it certainly seems within a reasonable distance for a species of large carnivore seeking to extend its home range."