The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1081   Message #3341
Posted By: Bill D
21-Mar-97 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: The Black Fox (Graham Pratt)
Subject: RE: The Black Fox
*listening to it as I type...with my phonically enhanced better half) Chris Foster gives credit to Graham Pratt as author......I always sang "and there is strength within me" but both the wife & I feel like he actually gargled that particular phrase!! It sounds to me like he says 'strength inin me'....R.thought at first he said 'and the very strength did leave me', but changed her mind on susbsequent hearings..I have only sung it in publick 3 or 4 times, and just decided to go with my best guess in the context...Maybe someone should contact Graham Pratt, 'eh?

This is why I always pray that singers of this sort of music will include notes & lyrics in the album....*sigh*