The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3341002
Posted By: GUEST
20-Apr-12 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
"Wolves and coyotes are valuable in the natures hierarchy."

Fuck em. They eat livestock, pets and humans. Humans can fill the void if a predator is required to control the population of some species. Just like they did here with wolves back in the mid 1800s. City slickers and tree huggers ain't never been approached by a pack of Eastern Brush Wolves. I have and it ain't a whole lotta fun. I didn't enjoy what I had to do... fold up three of them several minutes apart before they got the message and left me alone.

Now, they are smart criiters, but fact is, they have become so prevalent and so used to humans that don't go after them that they go after livestock, pets and humans. Same thing with black bears and I have had a lot of run-ins with bears... up until about twenty years ago bears would run away on site or smell of a human. Not so since. Fuck em... I mean the city slickers and tree huggers.

Until ya spend time in the bush or on the farm tryin ta make a livin, I don't see yer point.