The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101795   Message #3341404
Posted By: wysiwyg
21-Apr-12 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your Career, Dead
Subject: Strokebrain, ACOA Families, and Careers
It's always amusing to look back and see the tangle of misunderstandings that the internet can magnify, and assumptions people will make, about motives, that are "as far from the truth "as a hog from the moon" (told to me as an old Native American saying).

This one is in honor of a brother of mine, lest more mis-assumptions cascade:


PS to the below--

1. There area a number of elephants in this room = All of the H----'s and all of the O-----'s I know are either first-generation ACOA's and/or 2nd generation ACOA's = ACOA means Adult Child of Alcoholic/Addict = blunted feelings, patterns of resentment, victim-type thinking/martyrdom.

2. I have done some work in counseling directly on my ACOA background, [Hardi] has done some and provided much for others, and ("know us") we both have been promoted into large ponds of influence as a result.

3. How's your ACOA sh*t going? Which grief stage are you in now (attached [Kubler-Ross doc])? How are you sleeping?

