The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27282   Message #334160
Posted By: bbelle
03-Nov-00 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: Abortion: Here we Go...
Subject: RE: Abortion: Here we Go...
I get so tired of all this. Do you want to know specifics? Well, let me tell you specifics. I was 35 years old, single, professional, graduate degree, pregnant. I was by myself living in a new city away from any family and friends. I chose to terminate the pregnancy for reasons that are absolutely NONE of "Your" business. It was paid for by my insurance, for which I paid a good premium. "Your" tax money was not used. I didn't feel the need to ask anyone's permission or sanction to handle a situation which had to do with MY body, mind, and soul. And, today, I do not feel the need to seek absolution from "You." What took place that day was between me and G-d and NO ONE else. How I feel today is still between me and G-d and NO ONE else. DO NOT ever presume to "know" what I may have felt then or what I feel now. "You" need to take care of your own square inch of earth and let other's take care of their's.

I almost wrote this anonymously, but I am neither ashamed nor embarrassed about my decision, and will stand up and be counted. That is me and my personal decision. The next woman may not feel as confident about sharing her decision and why and I respect her, too.

What's too bad is that I, and she, have to deal with those of you who have NO respect.
