The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3341790
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
22-Apr-12 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
Coyotes can be semi-domesticated. When I was a child, a couple of children I knew had coyotes that they raised from pups. When grown, they had a habit of wandering off, and sometimes were not seen for weeks. In other words, they have little value as pets.

The coyotes here in Alberta are fairly small, they are a minor problem during calving season but a good cow mother can protect her calves. They keep their distance from humans, and are a danger to rodents, hares (often called snowshoe rabbit, common here even in the city) and the like. I know of no attacks against humans or dogs under control. They help keep the alleys in my neighborhood clean of organic garbage carelessly left outside the containers provided by the city. I haven't heard of any "coy-dogs" here, this seems to be largely a myth as noted above. When we had a little farm acerage, we often saw them in the fields and enjoyed their song at night. Our dogs would watch them, but kept their distance except for a stupid miniture schnauzer, which wanted to join them in the fields. The coyotes seemed to want to play with it, but we didn't trust them.

Dogs in packs have been a problem from time to time, and sheppard types have been confused with coyotes.