The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3341792
Posted By: Stu
22-Apr-12 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
It's not about any one telling and I don't mean to sound preachy (once more, the bloody internet) . . . it's just here in the UK we don't have any large predators and the ecosystems are the worse for it; our landscapes are sterile and lacking a certain something. Don't take to for granted. There's something missing here. My opinions have been informed by your countrymen, and I think we'll have to agree to differ. I accept fully however I don't actually live anywhere there are keystone predators so perhaps don't fully understand the whole picture.

As for Her Majesty's colony . . . you did the right thing getting out while you could. I'm a republican and that lot and their mates are part of the problem. If it comes to the crunch, I hope I can rely on you coming over to man the barricades with those of us trying to throw off the Norman Yoke ;-) There'd be a beer in it for you Gnu!