The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27222   Message #334195
Posted By: Troll
03-Nov-00 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: Jesus' Penis
Subject: RE: Jesus' Penis
Moral standards that are open to compromise are not moral standards at all. They are simply expedients. this lack of true moral standards suggests a real need for a system of ethics such as are found in religion, philosophy, and the like.
I do not know why, Guest Jon, you seem to have such a problem with Praise. I have personally found her to be a very warm and caring woman. I have never seen her force her aid on anyone who did not want it but to those who ask it, she gives unstintingly of her time.
Her faith is who she is. The few times that I have seen someone take offense at something she has said, she has apologized and tried to explain why she said it.
Obviously, there is a history here of which I am unaware.Perhaps if you stated plainly what you have against Praise, the rest of us might be a little more understanding of your position.
Or you can continue on your present course. It's really up to you.
