The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3342028
Posted By: Stu
23-Apr-12 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
Gnu - love the link.

Sheeeeet, we've been talking at cross-purposes here. I didn't realise you were Canadian, I thought you were American. That'll get me in trouble again. I've never been to Canada, would love to go though, especially to Alberta to the badlands of the late Cretaceous (was in Montana a couple of years ago digging up dinosaurs and had one of them danged piesin snakes a'rattlin' at me). Also out to the west coast to see the sea there, and the northern end of the Rockies. Wolves a-plenty up there. Flying over Canada is something else - you got some space up there.

Just out of interest, do Canadians want the monarchy? I'd get rid of the lot tomorrow. Too much damage done over the years around the world in their name. At home too - there's still a feudal system in this country to all intents and purposes. If I wanted to hunt deer I couldn't, as someone now owns the land (they stole it off us during the Acts of Enclosure) and you'd never get access in a million years. I can often see Red Deer grazing on the fields at the back of our house, but if I wanted even just to photograph them chances are I'd never get permission.