The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3342146
Posted By: Stu
23-Apr-12 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
I ain't going a-shootin' with no bow (although I do have a longbow . . . haven't shot it for a few years though). Can't afford a telephoto lens.

Saw plenty of elk when we were in the US, along with Mule Deer, Whitetails and Pronghorns. we were in a hotel in Wyoming and they had a collection of stuffed heads on the wall, and one of those elk was bleedin' massive. I've seen big bull deer up close here but I don't think that was as huge as this beast. We do get very big Red Deer here, but I'm guessing these are rarer than in North America. Unfortunately, this mighty beast ended up on someone's wall. Here, this isn't good. Deer need culling occasionally (yum), but this magnificent animal was poached by a criminal trophy hunter. Even so, we don't go into the woods near my house during the rut as the bull deer get a tad territorial.

Saw moose in Yellowstone and the Wapiti Valley. My god, what a place that is. Incredible.

Like the look of the Idaho Museum, especially the fossils and tracks. Great link - thanks. I could live the US. Then you'd have a fat pasty ex-pat brit telling you what to do instead of a fat pasty brit tourist (joke).