The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3342205
Posted By: gnu
23-Apr-12 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
Q... page not found.

Sugar... "Just out of interest, do Canadians want the monarchy?"

Yes. Ignorant Canadians do not. This thread is no place to debate such but I'll just say that when Beth meets with other royals, polititicans, business moguls, religious leaders, etc, around the globe, she gets shit done that your PM could never get done. She serves a purpose that is separate from and, IMO, almost equally as important as your government and she does so for the entire Commonwealth and it's allies. I suggest you watch the BBC's TV program on her diamond jubilee... although it's only a snapshot, it may open you up to further consideration in this regard. Long live The Queen.