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Thread #27261   Message #334235
Posted By: GUEST,Barry Finn
03-Nov-00 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI
Subject: RE: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI
I can't believe what's written here the man commited a crime that carries a jail sentence not when he was a kid but when he was 30. And I do have a problem with drunk drivers even if it's 20 or 40 years ago. Ask the loved ones of a victum if they've forgotten their loss. At least in some state you couldn't get a cabbie's licence or drive a bus or work a day care center if it involved driving kids WHY?????? But you can become president, you couldn't get hire by the CIA, the FBI, the AFT with that on your record no matter how long ago it happened but as president you can oversee them? He's had a drinking problem at least since his Animal House frat days that didn't stop until he turned 40, give me a break I wouldn't have the man helping my grandmother across the street. Clinton says "but I didn't inhale", he didn't get busted or endanger anyone except maybe himself & there were many that thought that this was enough to can his election OK so Bush drove drunk what's his come back "but I didn't kill". To have hid that from ones family speaks in it's self, never mind what he would'nt tell those he didn't know but still elected him. "Still it happened so long ago" PLEASE, it doesn't make it OK it it doesn't make it go away at 30 he should at least be held responsible for his actions or maybe we should postpone that responsibility until he's out of office. Yup, you're right I don't like the man & no I've never in my life driven drunk & I'm just about 50, & no I don't expect to get your vote nor do I want it but I'd rather see a career criminal in that office before him, they admit that they knew right from wrong when they're caught they knew the risks & they knew the consequences from the start & are prepared to take what's coming to them in the end & they don't do what they do out of weakness it's out of choice & you won't have to listen to them whin about getting caught or who spilled the beans & no fair because of timing & it's sinful to no present the truth when someone else is hiding it. There are many reasons (that goes twice because of his bad sense in chosing a running mate who's got the poor judgement to have 2 DWI's)why he wouldn't get my vote or my shoulder. First I'd hate to see what would become of us if the two of them couldn't take the heat & both fell off the wagon, not an unusual thing to happen (being a clean ex junkie for the past 25 yrs I can say I can qualify as being an expert on the falling off of wagons & turnip trucks & the like) second using family values & pro life as a running platform & he's endangered the lives of others, still sees the death sentence as an answer to those that get caught but can't buy their way out & then he can't even tell his own family what he's done. Next I don't think it possible to give the top 2 jobs to people who wouldn't be allowed to drive a truck or a cab or a bus or a crane or operate heavy equipment or hold the many jobs that the common folk have to work at if they had had the same offense lurking in their past. I'm not gonna keep at this any longer. Barry