The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144571   Message #3342950
Posted By: Owen Woodson
25-Apr-12 - 05:37 AM
Thread Name: Ewan MacColl - Trespassing Influence
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl - Trespassing Influence
I have read in one of Roy Palmer's books (sorry, can't remember which one), that MacColl used a melody from Haydn's 93rd Symphony for the Tune of The Manchester Rambler.

I have listened carefully to the 93rd, in fact to all of Haydn's later symphonies and can't hear any Mancunian Ramblers in any of them.

Does anybody know where MacColl actually got the tune.

BTW. To avoid setting too many unneccesary hares. We know nowadays that MacColl was fond of taking existing melodies and amending them phrase by phrase until they sounded nothing like the original. I don't think that applies in this case, partly because the MR goes so far back, and partly because the inference seemed to be that MacColl used the tune unadapted.