The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144571   Message #3342975
Posted By: mikesamwild
25-Apr-12 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: Ewan MacColl - Trespassing Influence
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl - Trespassing Influence
It sounds like a lot of old Scottish waltzes. He must have heard them in the Salford community and elsewhere/

He refers back to the mountains in his requiuem song very poignantly.

The Clarion was a socialist journal and people discussd it avidly on rambles and cycle rides etc . The Clarion Club was named after the journal and is still going strong., Mike Harding was on TV last night leading it at a memorial event with a choir and a massed audience as part of a big celebration week.

The Communist party was very astute in using rambling, drama, folk song etc to engage young people. As an ex YCL member from the 50s I found no problem with that and welcomed Topic Records , WMA etc.

I wish we had more such radical organisations still