The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144571 Message #3342979
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Apr-12 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: Ewan MacColl - Trespassing Influence
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl - Trespassing Influence
You can often trace Ewan's sources by humming them and messing them about - have just done so and realised that 'Rambler' and 'Browned Off' are from the same source, whatever that was. Peggy gave us a tape showing some of his sources: 'Sweet William' aka 'Famous Flower of Servingmen' (from Greig Duncan) being one of his favourites. He used this for Shoals of Herring, Doorboy (Big Hewer), Thirty Foot Trailer, Net Hauling Song and Freeborn Man. Life is a Battle, (Fight Game) came from Gil Morice. Jim Carroll