The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27301   Message #334308
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
04-Nov-00 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: Post-perfomance Blues
Subject: RE: Post-perfomance Blues
Been there, done that....

Picture a medieaval abbey, deep in the Dorset countryside (green rolling hills), in one of the sunniest Augusts we've had for years.

We sang the Mozart Coronation setting for a mass service, with the anthem being Let all mortal flesh keep silence, with a descant by (?)Holst.... When we finished the final amen, the conductor looked at us all, gently applauded us using two fingers instead of his whole hand. Made hardly any noise, but it made us all feel we were going to burst. It took me a fortnight to come down from that, but when I did, Whoooooaaah! Did I go DOWN or what! Listening to a recording of that performance is no help at all, because you just cannot recreate that sort of feeling. Took me almost as long to get out of that downer, as it did to come down off the high!