The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144574   Message #3343227
Posted By: Crowhugger
25-Apr-12 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: What can I expect from guitar lessons?
Subject: RE: What can I expect from guitar lessons?
Lessons are definitely about both inspiring you and teaching you how to practise. A great teacher does both so as you won't even notice, but then after the instruction period is over (e.g. during a summer break) with any luck you find yourself continuing to make progress because (a) you learned how to practise and (b) it's way too much fun to stop, even if you WOULD rather run than walk.

That is not so likely to happen if either the teacher is just so-so or if your heart really isn't in it that particular instrument.

I had piano lessons as a kid, which is where I learned how to practise, but guitar was where I solidified that ability: How to work patiently over days, weeks & months to master patterns, turn them into reflexes. Then more days, weeks and months combining those bits and pieces into something pleasing. As others have already said, plan on practice and lots of it!

In addition to lessons and personal practice I would urge you to make every effort to network and jam with people who play guitar the way you want to play. Ask for tips. People are often happy to show you, slo mo, how they do this or that little riff, then you just go home and work on it. What you pick up from lessons and people and recordings and how you put them together will fuse into your own unique style.