The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3343503
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Apr-12 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Evolution is true. Evolutionary theory, in its general thrust, is true. I don't care if you want to dedicate your life to digging up my out-of-context inconsistencies that appear to obsess you. It's very tiresome. It's a very big theory with lots of nooks and crannies. There will be stuff that we have incomplete knowledge of, stuff that is just beginning to emerge, stuff which leads to uncertainty. But no-one is ever, by evidence and reason, going to overturn the theory of evolution. Put it this way. We can, if we want, change its name to the fact of evolution. We don't, because we don't want to stop looking. Religion stops looking even before a shred of evidence has turned up, so reason can't be applied. Science is not a system and it does not rely on belief. It relies on evidence and reason. Its process is to deny everything unless there is evidence to the contrary, the very opposite of religious belief systems. Now I'm sure that you'll find something else to carp about given a couple of spare hours. Good luck to ye! Actually, I'm fed up of typing the words "belief system." It's a bloody stupid expression anyway. Grrr.