The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3343731
Posted By: GUEST,pete from seven stars link
26-Apr-12 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
tia-methinks you misread my last post.i said -trilobite and dino-not human and dino .i am quite aware human tracks were not found; as the article i referred to made clear.

don-thankyou for comprehensive history of i take it you have read creationist material on c14 as you charge them with out of date it happens todays article on CMI site is dealing briefly with the very same;not that you are likely to read it.
certainly the method dates further back than 6000 yrs but that hardly helps your millions of yrs position since the decay rate has vanished in only thousands.
and yet carbon has been identified in material claimed by evolutionists as being formed millenia past-including diamonds,which would be extremely safe from contaminated results.

bill-quite right in that i put it badly.
science[ie operational,observable,reprodusable science] is beneficial.
it has always progressed and operated without any need of evolutionism.
as i mentioned earlier ;science has found purposes for what evolutionists at one time labelled vestigual and junk.there are other instances i could cite that are not to hand at present.

as you'll like to pursue a point or two;i shall do likewise.
you believe in the GTE despite it being not only unproven but proven impossible in its very beginning.
abiogenesis is the supreme example of a faith position IMO.