The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3344097
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Apr-12 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Well, sigh, I see I'm still being stalked by The Slimy One. It's rather odd, Snail, that you seem to spend around ten times longer quoting other people's opinions than you do offering your own. In fact, I'm having trouble recalling much of a structured argument from you on any topic (and I said that on purpose to give him another hour's homework trying to prove me wrong). So let me provoke you. Tell me what, in its general thrust, is untrue about evolution. Tell me what burgeoning body of evidence is going to overturn the theory. Tell me how I'm demeaning the generality of science by saying that evolution is true. I only said evolution is true, not any other theory. I just happen to know enough about evolution to know that it can longer be denied by evidence and reason. Not in every detail, as I keep on saying, but in its general thrust. If you don't agree with that, let's have it, please. You really are being a bit of a silly billy about this, aren't you? It's true. It just is. Only a bloody creationist twerp would deny evolution.